Fleet warp hotkey eve
Fleet warp hotkey eve

fleet warp hotkey eve fleet warp hotkey eve

Particularly when a fleet is doing well, players may become excited and offer up many ideas-and it is vital that these ideas be put into gang chat, where they may be safely used or ignored. " Ibi semper est victoria, ubi concordia est." (There victory always is, where unity is.) - Publilius Syrus from the book Sententiaeĭisorder is also contagious, and a good Fleet Commander will work hard to keep control of his/her fleet. Particularly if you are successful as a Fleet Commander, they will trust your judgment above their own, and follow your orders-sticking out fights where their own determination might have led them to run. If players hear that you are cool, calm, and confident, they will assume you know something they do not (which may or may not actually be true). Somehow, you have to manage to communicate all of this simply from voice tone. Confidence should be obvious, but not overconfidence. No matter how stressful a situation, the Fleet Commander should sound cool and calm, almost (but not quite) to the point of boredom. Panic spreads like a plague, but usually does so from the top. The first and best victory is to conquer self. Teamwork, coordination, and calmness are the foundations of a strong pillar of command. While in EVE no one is going to discuss your greater or lesser virtues, clear communications is the key to every other aspect of EVE combat. Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances.

Fleet warp hotkey eve