It's made of cards from previous expansions as well as a handful of original ones, and its contents change every year.
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Core: The Core set of Hearthstone, which comprises 235 free cards given to every player.(And that's before we get into the really absurd things played by those AI bosses.) Because of its emphasis on swiftness and spectacle, cards can have extravagant effects, such as wishing for the perfect card, or shuffling a copy of your opponent's deck into yours. The game also takes advantage of its digital medium to embrace certain mechanics, like shuffling things into your deck, mechanics like " 50% of the time, this Minion attacks the wrong enemy ," and single-player duels against AI bosses, which are much easier to implement digitally than they would be at a gaming table. Targeting Minions can be worthwhile, though, because - as in the original CCG - damage is not reset at the end of each turn, so applying Death of a Thousand Cuts to a large enemy creature is a viable strategy. Secrets are your only way to interact with the opponent when it's their turn: they make all the other decisions, being able to target your Minions with their own, or bypass them entirely to hit you in the face.

Mana is spent to cast Minions (creatures), Spells (one-shot effects that act directly on the game state), Weapons (which your Player Character wields to deal direct damage, but are breakable), Hero Powers (weak abilities that can be used once per turn), Hero Cards (cards that give you a new, stronger Hero), and Secrets (traps which sit on your character until triggered, typically by something your opponent does). New mana crystals are automatically gained each turn without having to play/sacrifice a card, to a maximum of 10. The game is very streamlined compared to most CCGs.